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The best gifts for your manager during the holidays

Not sure what to get your manager this holiday season?  Forget the shopping trip and give them a gift in the workplace.  These gifts will not only help the management, but they will also support your team.

  • Don't worry, be happy. Bring your positive attitude to work everyday this holiday season. This time of year can be stressful and/or emotional for you and your co-workers, not to mention your boss. Showing up each day with a happy face makes a great gift and improves the workplace environment.
  • Lend a hand. The holiday season is a time when people look to help others through volunteering or giving. Take this approach at your job. Ask your teammates how you can assist them on projects or planning for the new year. You can also ask your boss what you can do for him.
  • Increase the communication. This could be internal or external communication. Find opportunities for the new year to increase/improve your communication methods. Share these ideas with management to make the whole team more effective for 2019.
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Three things to do at work before the year ends

Before the chaos of the year-end holidays start, take time to clean up some things around your workplace.  Not only will these steps help you end the year on a positive note, but it will also put you in a great position to start off the new year. 

Leave no loose ends...Whether you have a firm deadline on a project or not, see what you can get completely done so you can start new projects in January.  Make sure you communicate with any co-workers about collaborative items that you are trying to complete so their segments don't hold up your progress.

Out with the hold, in with the new... This is the perfect opportunity to grab a filing box and purge your 2018 work files that you won't need for 2019.  It's also a great time to start naming new files so you are ready to go for the new year.  And anything that is going to move forward from this year to the next, decide whether you want to re-name the current year file or create a new one.  Think about doing this exercise on your electronic files too.

Create your Q1 goals... Once you have determined your objectives for the first quarter, review them with co-workers who will be involved and also with your manager.  Establish any timelines and identify what resources you will need to get as soon as the year starts.  Getting prepared now will not only help you hit the ground running week one, but it will also show your boss that you are going to start the year on a positive note.

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